Psssssssssssssssssssch’ sound mark canned: first GCEU decision on a sound mark

  What do the Rolls Royce, Lady Gaga and TikTok trade marks have in common? They all indicate the business origin of the goods and services in connection with which they are used. However, some trade marks –as their owners– are less ‘conventional’ than others. Most marks consist of words or numerals, graphic elements or […]

Your domain name, your identity: the risks of not protecting it for your brand image

In the current context, the use of domain names is essential so that consumers from any part of the world can access the products and services of companies on the Internet. They allow companies to promote their brand image and connect with the community around them. Domain names are a valuable form of identity and […]

Influencers, bullfighting, deepfakes, AI, biopics… the Garrigues IP Blog celebrates its first birthday, covering all the hot topics.

  It’s the first anniversary of the Garrigues IP Blog. An orbit around the sun full of new developments, trends and reflections on intellectual property, with the analysis of our professional experts on the subject. During this period we have been able to count on the unwavering support of our readers and subscribers to our […]

Proposal for a regulation on the use of artificial intelligence: fundamental rights mark the red lines

Proposal for a regulation on the use of artificial intelligence: fundamental rights mark the red lines Rita Gomes, Associate, Intellectual Property Department The European Commission has just published its proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonized rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI) which seeks to strike a balance between its intention to promote the use of […]

Scale models and intellectual property: does size matter?

Nothing is lost beforehand when it comes to defending intellectual property rights from small or large-scale reproductions of a product. The scope of protection and the scenarios in which you can enjoy such protection will depend on the type of IP rights on which you rely. Think for example of a handbag by a well-known […]

VEGAN IP II: Protection of innovation in sustainable materials via patents

How can you use patents to protect the innovation that lies behind plant materials and at the same time secure a competitive edge in the market? The reply is clear: through exclusivity. We will be looking at this in this article, following our first post Vegan IP in which we described the use of trademarks […]

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