Tag: copyright

Are commercial uses of works of art in the public domain legal?: a look at the Italian case
Original works of art are protected by copyright until they come into the public domain. But this does not mean they can then be used without any restrictions. Here we look at a few Italian court rulings on this subject. Art is present in every facet of our lives. It is no longer confined to […]

Make no mistake about it – software functionalities cannot be protected
EU legislation has chosen intellectual property law as the main way of protecting computer programs – an essential asset to increase the competitive edge of both European companies and their products worldwide. Protection is easy to obtain because it is sufficient for the software in question to be original; there is no need to register […]

New decision of the CJEU regarding embedding and communication to the public
‘Hyperlinking’ is the possibility of presenting, in a webpage, clickable buttons and pictures that lead to additional content, which is not hosted on the same webpage. This feature, which has been one of the defining characteristics of the Internet since its inception, presents unique challenges to copyright law. On March 9, the Court of Justice […]