¿Son lícitos los usos comerciales de obras de arte en el dominio público?: especialidades del caso italiano

Are commercial uses of works of art in the public domain legal?: a look at the Italian case

Original works of art are protected by copyright until they come into the public domain. But this does not mean they can then be used without any restrictions. Here we look at a few Italian court rulings on this subject.  Art is present in every facet of our lives. It is no longer confined to […]

Striking a balance between transparency and intellectual property rights in the Artificial Intelligence Regulation is not an easy task

AI) content used in training in order to protect third-party intellectual property rights. The aim is to facilitate this protection by increasing transparency while at the same time enabling AI systems providers to protect their own intellectual property rights and trade secrets. Although intellectual property is not the main objective of the Artificial Intelligence Regulation […]

protección marcas desigual

The protection of fashion and applied art under criminal law: the Supreme Court rules on the Desigual case

The Supreme Court has delivered a judgment that bolsters copyright protection for works of applied art under criminal law: It sets an important precedent in Spain in distinguishing design as an art that deserves protection under both criminal as well as civil law. The world of fashion design, in which aesthetics are woven into practicality, […]

Fresh blow to counterfeiters: they will have to indemnify trademark owners for moral damage, even if they have not sold the counterfeit products

For the first time, the Supreme Court’s criminal chamber has upheld the existence of indemnifiable moral damage where there has been no actual sale of counterfeit products; an issue which, until now, has not escaped dispute. A Supreme Court ruling last 13 July establishes that the mere possession of counterfeit products and their display for […]

The Portuguese Government completes the transposition of the new European Copyright Directive

Notable new aspects of the law include the right granted to press publishers to authorize or prohibit the online use of their publications and that online content-sharing service providers are considered to perform an act of communication to the public or an act of making available to the public when they give the public access […]

Cultural appropriation: are there legal mechanisms to stop this from an intellectual property standpoint?

Trying to provide effective, balanced and adequate protection of traditional cultural expressions and recognizing the intellectual property rights that local communities and indigenous peoples hold with regard to those expressions pose a real challenge in legal terms. It is common knowledge that using a trademark, a patent or a design of another business may cause […]

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