E-commerce, intellectual property rights & COVID-19: the survival of the fittest

Fear of COVID-19 has impacted people’s habits and behaviors, which turn more frequently to the online world where they are able to find a safe harbor in these troubled times. This has prompted suppliers of goods and services’ providers worldwide to establish e-commerce stores and to update their terms and conditions, to revamp their advertising […]

Imitations and image rights: You look familiar?

Attention comedians! Imitations of famous personalities, although common practice in the audiovisual market can create problems from the standpoint of image rights. Encarna de noche, by Martes y Trece, the unforgettable characters in Homo Zapping, the Guignols, or internationally, Saturday Night Live sketches, are just a few examples of imitations of well-known characters that form […]

How do you protect a website?

Nowadays it seems that if you don’t appear on the Internet, you don’t exist. For this reason, many companies invest a great deal of money and effort in creating an attractive website that grabs users’ attention and which has good usability features. The investment made in achieving those objectives is substantial and it is therefore […]

Literature in film: the right to transformation, inspiration or parody?

With the current boom in Spain’s audiovisual industry, we look at film adaptations of literary works and the right to transformation enshrined in Spanish intellectual property law. It is an issue that is by no means free from controversy and has, on occasion, even led to moral damages being awarded to an author when it […]

The Fariña Saga. Be careful with confiscating publications: it can backfire.

The Madrid Provincial Appellate Court orders the mayor of O Grove to compensate the author and publisher for the damages caused by the seizure of the book ‘Fariña’ In 2016 Mr. Bea, former mayor of O Grove, sued the journalist Carretero and the publisher, Libros del KO, due to breach of his right to honor […]

‘Let him breath!’: ¿El fin de la inmunidad de las redes sociales

‘Let him breathe!’: The end of immunity on social media?

Following the protests in the US at the death of George Floyd, Trump posted a message on Twitter warning “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”. Twitter decided to hide the tweet for “glorifying violence” and breaching the rules of the platform. It also flagged the US President’s tweets about voting by mail adding a […]

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