Trade names as a protective tool in the event of subsequent trademark applications

Often, during scrutiny and examination of an intellectual property portfolio, trade names will be found among the trademarks. Although these assets are similar, their purpose is not identical, and this fact should be taken into consideration when designing an effective protective strategy to ensure that the rights in these signs are enforced in respect of […]

“Prior public use”: an effective ground for opposition against the grant of a European patent

The opposition procedure for European patents, enables third parties, within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the patent, to oppose that patent at the European Patent Office (EPO). This opposition procedure for European patents is particularly useful when the patent in question is hindering our commercial interests and we […]

Diversity IP: diversity also makes inroads in intellectual property

Fashion brands follow trends in society and growing awareness in favor of diversity is no different. Increasingly more trademarks are being registered for goods that either allude to diversity or which are directly linked to these new trends. It must be said that the Italian brand Benetton was the pioneer in backing inclusion with campaigns […]

Tradition has no shape: the protection of a design does not depend on the type of product in which it is incorporated

Simply applying the typical pattern of a “cachirulo” (traditional Aragonese bandana) on a different item of clothing does not confer individual character on the design Albeit still toned down due to the restrictions of the pandemic, the recent celebration of the festival of the Virgin of Pilar has given the inhabitants of Zaragoza the chance […]

Virtual Fashionistas: How can you protect fashion that you can’t touch?

Fashion is celebrated above all for its versatility – its ability to adapt to every era and to change with the times. Right now we are living the intangibles revolution: social media, online shopping, on screen greetings, audio messages and meetings via platforms. Now it is the turn of fashion. That is, fashion you can […]

The five steps to help you protect and enforce your trademarks in Portugal

If you have a start-up or an established business and wantto safeguard the trademark you have created and registered, when faced with infringement of the trademark in Portugal you should follow five rules: anticipate and act quickly; conduct a thorough investigation with support from a professional monitoring service; secure evidence of the infringement; work with […]

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