Influencers, bullfighting, deepfakes, AI, biopics… the Garrigues IP Blog celebrates its first birthday, covering all the hot topics.

  It’s the first anniversary of the Garrigues IP Blog. An orbit around the sun full of new developments, trends and reflections on intellectual property, with the analysis of our professional experts on the subject. During this period we have been able to count on the unwavering support of our readers and subscribers to our […]

Non fungible tokens: a Beeple sells for $69 million, revolutionizing the concept of digital property

The sale of the NFT ‘Everydays – The First 5000 Days’ by the digital artist Beeple for $69 million will go down in history, not only as the most costly digital artwork ever and the third most expensive purchase of a living artist’s work to date, but also for shining the global spotlight on nonfungible […]

The corporate right to honor, or how to defend a business from false information 

Legal entities may also go to court to stop smear campaigns or the spread of fake news that damage their reputation. Use of child labor, aggressive practices with the environment, tax evasion, corruption… The list is endless. However, before turning to the courts to defend the company’s reputation, it is important to be aware of […]

The Influencers’ Code of Conduct comes into force on January 1, 2021: are you aware of your obligations?

Autocontrol and Asociación Española de Anunciantes (Spanish Advertisers’ Association or AEA) agree on the ethical standards that should be applied to advertising by influencers from January 1, 2021. It clarifies doubts about ‘safe’ labels such as “ad” or “sponsored by”, when they should be used and the contractual obligations that members should follow. We summarize […]

The CJEU does not require to disclosing users’ IP addresses

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has concluded in a recent judgment, that the Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (2004) does not oblige the courts of member States to disclose the IP address or telephone number of users that upload unauthorized content. However, the CJEU leaves sufficient margin for […]

360º Advertising: in the spotlight of the Competition Authority and the courts

The Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC) has set its focus on 360º marketing and already sanctioned several production companies for broadcasting undercover advertising. One of such sanctions was recently analysed by the Supreme Court, which confirmed the 324,000 euros fine that the CNMC had imposed on Mediaset for undercover advertising of parapharmaceutical products on the program […]

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