“You shouldn’t eat the forbidden fruit”: First judicial pronouncements on the exercise of plant breeders’ rights on harvested material

A judgment by Valencia Commercial Court no. 4, recognizes the right of the breeder of a protected variety to act only against the harvested material and awards compensation equivalent to the profit obtained from marketing the fruit illegally. A plant variety must meet four requirements for the breeder to obtain exclusive protection: novelty, distinctness, uniformity […]

Cultural appropriation: are there legal mechanisms to stop this from an intellectual property standpoint?

Trying to provide effective, balanced and adequate protection of traditional cultural expressions and recognizing the intellectual property rights that local communities and indigenous peoples hold with regard to those expressions pose a real challenge in legal terms. It is common knowledge that using a trademark, a patent or a design of another business may cause […]

ESG ODS reputación corporativa

ESG and SDG, the two must-know acronyms that can improve your company’s reputation

  This week marks the sixth anniversary of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), a call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity. For any companies that have not yet started working toward these goals…now is the time! Not only will it help build […]

Deepfakes and their relationship with publicity rights: What’s the limit?

We have been hearing the word ‘deepfake’ a great deal in the last few weeks, thanks to an ad by a well-known beer producer which has brought back to life the much-missed artist Lola Flores. In this post we will be looking at the cases in which this technology can be used and the legal […]