Category: Advertising

Beauty filters on Instagram are in the spotlight: are they misleading?
While 2020 brought a wealth of developments in relation to the regulation of influencer advertising (see here) and the mandatory use of the hashtag #publi when it is not obvious that the message is advertising (see here), the goalpost has been moved even further in 2021. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) – the British equivalent […]

New measures for digital advertising of medicines in the 2021 Farmaindustria Code
On January 1, a new version of the Farmaindustria Code, will enter into force, replacing the current version, issued in 2016. This post aims to highlight the most striking innovations in terms of promoting prescription medicines in a digital environment, including advertising on social networks. The Pharmaceutical Industry Code of Best Practices (the Farmaindustria Code) […]

‘My product is better than yours’: is it lawful to use third party’s trademarks to advertise your own products or services?
Although the use of a third party’s trademarks for advertising purposes involves certain risks, legislation allows it provided that it is in the context of fair play and bearing in mind certain limitations for which it is always advisable to obtain sound legal advice. An ad for a sports car: at the top the phrase […]

The Influencers’ Code of Conduct comes into force on January 1, 2021: are you aware of your obligations?
Autocontrol and Asociación Española de Anunciantes (Spanish Advertisers’ Association or AEA) agree on the ethical standards that should be applied to advertising by influencers from January 1, 2021. It clarifies doubts about ‘safe’ labels such as “ad” or “sponsored by”, when they should be used and the contractual obligations that members should follow. We summarize […]

360º Advertising: in the spotlight of the Competition Authority and the courts
The Spanish Competition Authority (CNMC) has set its focus on 360º marketing and already sanctioned several production companies for broadcasting undercover advertising. One of such sanctions was recently analysed by the Supreme Court, which confirmed the 324,000 euros fine that the CNMC had imposed on Mediaset for undercover advertising of parapharmaceutical products on the program […]
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