The Lego case: The EGC recognizes the validity of the design protecting one of its famous construction blocks

  Marta González Aleixandre, Associate Intellectual Property Department European Justice has found in favor of LEGO in its General Court Judgment (GC) of March 24, 2021 in case T-515/19, recognizing the validity of a design consisting of the representation of a block which is a component of this well-known construction game. The decision focuses on […]

New decision of the CJEU regarding embedding and communication to the public

‘Hyperlinking’ is the possibility of presenting, in a webpage, clickable buttons and pictures that lead to additional content, which is not hosted on the same webpage. This feature, which has been one of the defining characteristics of the Internet since its inception, presents unique challenges to copyright law. On March 9, the Court of Justice […]

Vegan IP: Pineapple and apple-based textiles that are gaining ground with more and more fashion brands

The use of plant-based raw materials in the world of fashion is an increasingly upward trend that provided fertile ground for research, production and marketing of numerous inventions. All of which is reflected in intellectual property rights: the trademarks under which they are marketed and the process patents for creating these materials. The vogue for […]

Non fungible tokens: a Beeple sells for $69 million, revolutionizing the concept of digital property

The sale of the NFT ‘Everydays – The First 5000 Days’ by the digital artist Beeple for $69 million will go down in history, not only as the most costly digital artwork ever and the third most expensive purchase of a living artist’s work to date, but also for shining the global spotlight on nonfungible […]

Beauty filters on Instagram are in the spotlight: are they misleading?

While 2020 brought a wealth of developments in relation to the regulation of influencer advertising (see here) and the mandatory use of the hashtag #publi when it is not obvious that the message is advertising (see here), the goalpost has been moved even further in 2021. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) – the British equivalent […]

When free comes cheap

“Gratis” is in and its owner has reason to celebrate. The Supreme Court has confirmed that the trademark was not registered in bad faith in Spain, despite the fact that the proprietor was aware of the existence of the prior Turkish marks: The Turkish trademarks had not been used in the Spanish market, which meant […]

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