Author: Rita Gomes

Portugal strengthens copyright protection on the Internet
The tension between freedom of expression and copyright protection has lately been one of the hottest topics in EU and Portuguese copyright laws. Nobody questions the fact that IP laws need to be enforced on the internet. However, at times, excessive intervention can have a negative impact on users’ freedom of expression and information, since […]

Proposal for a regulation on the use of artificial intelligence: fundamental rights mark the red lines
Proposal for a regulation on the use of artificial intelligence: fundamental rights mark the red lines Rita Gomes, Associate, Intellectual Property Department The European Commission has just published its proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonized rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI) which seeks to strike a balance between its intention to promote the use of […]

E-commerce, intellectual property rights & COVID-19: the survival of the fittest
Fear of COVID-19 has impacted people’s habits and behaviors, which turn more frequently to the online world where they are able to find a safe harbor in these troubled times. This has prompted suppliers of goods and services’ providers worldwide to establish e-commerce stores and to update their terms and conditions, to revamp their advertising […]