Author: Fiorella Senno

World Intellectual Property Indicators 2020 or how all roads lead to China (ii): trademarks, industrial designs and creative industry
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has published its World Intellectual Property Indicators Report 2020, which contains valuable information on changes in intellectual property indicators and trends worldwide, from 2018 to 2019, as we discussed in this post. Since these changes have an impact on various different industries and on the economy in general, in […]

Can I register my architectural work? A glance through copyright in Peru
Architects and engineers take note! Architectural works are protected by copyright. The possibility of registering and granting additional protection to architectural works at Indecopi is not a new right or exclusive to Peruvian law. However, it is a little known right in the industry and it is advisable to make use of it because it […]